Selasa, 06 Januari 2015

Conversation modal auxiliaries

My short conversation with my Mom

Novi     : "mom, I'm so happy. I have an amazing news"
Mom    : "What is that?"
Novi     : "I got the Third of National mathematic competition"
Mom    : "Wow, I believe you can got it because you must had to study hard for that."
Novi     : "Yes, Mom. And I can got it, because I know you must have pray for me and support me"
Mom    : "It's always."
Novi     : "Thank you so much mom. This is for you. I present for you"
Mom    : "I'm proud of you, sweety"
Novi     : "Me too mom"
Mom    : "I think, I must make a thanks giving for this"
Novi     : "Really?thank you, Mom. I would help you"
Mom    : "Yeah, but you have to promise to be better"
Novi     : "Don't worry mom. I do all the best of me"

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

Halo kawan...bertemu lagi nih di blog ku...hehe..
Kalian pati dapet pelajaran bahasa inggris kan..?nah pasti kalian juga dapet modul "Comparison Degree"..*udah sok tau aja kayak mbah dukun..:D
Nah kali ini Novi bakalan bantu pemahaman kalian tentang comparison degree...melalui video yang udah publish di youtube. Ini nih linknya

Ada sedikit penjelasan di video materi tersebut. ya berharap semoga semoga bisa sedikit mambantu buat kalian...amin...