Senin, 29 September 2014
Kamis, 25 September 2014
review software
datang di blog saya…
Kali ini saya akan memposting hasil review salah satu software multimedia yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat animasi, desain seperti web (tanpa koneksi internet), bhakan game-game sederhana…
Taukah kalian apa nama software tersebut?. Simak baik-baik ya…
Kali ini saya akan memposting hasil review salah satu software multimedia yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat animasi, desain seperti web (tanpa koneksi internet), bhakan game-game sederhana…
Taukah kalian apa nama software tersebut?. Simak baik-baik ya…
Taukah kalian apa itu Macromedia Flash?
Macromedia Flash adalah salah satu
software multimedia yang cenderung digunakan untuk pembuatan animasi. Akan
tetapi sebenarnya tidak hanya sebatas itu. Software Macromedia Flash juga bisa
digunakan untuk membuat game-game sederhana dan desain seperti layaknya web.
Namun disini tidak menggunakan koneksi internet. Bahkan Macromedia Flash juga
bisa digunakan untuk proses pembuatan presentasi.Flash itu sendiri juga
memiliki banyak versi. Dimulai dari yang paling sederhana yaitu Macromdia
Flash, selanjutnya yang lebih tinggi versinya yaitu Adobe Flash.
Bagaimana tampilan yang ada di Macromedia Flash?
1. Tool
Bar : Kumpulan perintah-perintah dan informasi pada Flash
2. Toolbox
: kumpulan tool yang memiliki fungsi-fungsi yang berbeda masing-masing toolnya
3. Timeline
: digunakna untuk mengatur frame, layer dan durasi animasi
4. Stage
: halaman kerja pada Flash
5. Library
: panel yang digunkan untuk menampilkan objek-objek yang dibuat
6. Proeperties
: panel yang digunakna muntuk menampilkan informasi
7. Colour
mixer : panel yang digunakna untuk memeilih warna dan pencampuran beberapa
8. Align,
Info, dan transform : panel yang digunakna untuk mengubah ukuran dan mengatur
letak objek
Berikut merupakan tool yang ada di dalam Macromedia
Apakah kalian tahu bagaimana memulai lembar kerja baru di
Macromedia Flash?
pertama kita membuka atu memulai menjalankan Macromedia Flash, kita akan
dihadapkan dengan tampilan seperti ini
Dari tampilan tersebut, terdapat beberapa pilihan untuk
memulai lembar kerja baru. Disini sebelum memilih, kita ttentukan dulu apa yang
hendak kita buat. Jika sudah, maka akan keluar tampilan seperti yang ada di
gambar pertama dalam postingan saya kali ini
Apa saja keunggulan dari Macromedia Flash?
Dapat membuat tombol interaktif
dengan sebuah movie atau objek yang lain.
Dapat membuat perubahan
transparasi warna dalam movie.
Dapat di konversi dan di
duplikasikan (publish) kedalam beberapa tipe, di antaranya .swf, .html,
.gif, .jpg, .png, .exe, .mov, .
file yang kecil dnegan kualitas yang baik
hardware yang tidak tinggi
membuat web, cd-interaktif, animasi, kartun, kartu elektronik,dll
Animasi dapat
dibentuk, dijalankan dan dikontrol
Nah itu tadi tentang Macromedia Flash…untuk contoh
tutorial animasi, next post ya…
terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan berkenan membaca di blog saya…
terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan berkenan membaca di blog saya…
Saran dan masukan akan membantu bagi seorang pemula
seperti saya…
Senin, 22 September 2014
be your friend
friend…welcome in my blog again. Now I post a short conversation about
introducing somebody to someone else. Maybe in grammar, or about story have
uncorrect, you can correct it in comment. Or maybe you have suggestion, it’s so
make feel happy..Now let’s raed it…J
Illustration :
Now is
time break so Fia to go to the canteen to buy some bread and a cup guava juice.
When she walking in the front of garden, there is a boy call him. He is Gandra,
Fia’s old friend, but they are in the
same university right now, although in different majoring.
Gandra : “HI, Fia..!”
Fia :
“oh hi, Gandra..”
Gandra : “How are you?”
Fia :
“I’m very well thank you. How about you? Long time no see? Oh..maybe you have
many assignment so you are so very buasy. Is that right?”
Gandra :
“Haha…I’m fine. Yeah, as you know I have many assignment. If I have time break,
a few time I spend to eat, after it I also finish my assignment. Maybe you want
to help me?
Fia :
“haha,sorry friend. I want it if I can, but you know we are in the different
majoring so I don’t know all about your assignment.”
Gandra :
“Fia, I just kidding. All my assignment is also my responbility. By the way,
where you will go?”
Fia :
“I will go to the canteen. And how do doing in the garden?”
Gandra :
“as you look, I use wi-fi connection to search artikel and some material for
presentation in Friday.”
Fia :
“oh I see..sorry Ndra, I must go to the canteen now. Next time maybe we can
sharing about our majoring.”
Gandra :
“ okay, maybe you want to buy some bread for me, it can make so
just kidding Fia. Okay, see you next time.”
just kidding Fia. Okay, see you next time.”
Fia :
“see you too…bye..”
Fia blether with Gandra, she go to the canteen. Suddenly Ainul come to Gandra.
Ainul :
“Hi,Gandra. I look last minute you blether with a girl. Her face is sweet you
know. Who is she? Ooo…she is your girlfriend? How pity sweet girl have an ugly
boy like you..hahahaha…”
Gandra : “Hey,of earlier you stay near from
here and you look our blether?!”
Ainul :
“I am sorry. I just want to know about sweet girl”
Gandra :
“As you know she is not my girlfriend,but she is my old friend when in the
senior high school.
Hah, you say that she have sweet face..?sweet girl…Oh God. You like her?”
Hah, you say that she have sweet face..?sweet girl…Oh God. You like her?”
Ainul :
“I just want to be friend with her. Please you can help me to introducing me to
Gandra : “ehm…let me think…”
Ainul :
“please, I believe you are
Gandra : “okay..okay after she from canteen, I
will call her and introduce you to her”
Ainul :
“yeah, I know you are really good friend”
that Gandra see Fia, and he call her..
Gandra : “Hi,Fia…wait for me in there.!”
Fia :
Gandra : “Hi, Fia..”
Fia :
“Hi, Gandra…what happen?”
Gandra : “Hehe..”
Fia :
“Wait..wait…who is he?”
Gandra : “Oh..It is why I call you…He is my
friend. He want to be your friend”
Fia :
“Oh..why not”
Gandra : “Fia, this is my friend, his name is
Ainul. “
Ainul :
“Nice to meet you Fia. Sorry maybe I disturb you. I just want to be your friend”
Fia :
“It’s problem. Nice to meet you too. Ehm…sorry I must back go to the
class. 15 again my class begin. Maybe someday we can blether again”
Ainul :
“It’s be better if I have your phone number”
Gandra : “Please think again Fia before you
give your phone number. Haha…”
Ainul :
“Please, Fia”
Fia :
“okay, my phone number is 085231114046”
Ainul :
“Thank you so much Fia..”
Fia :
“It’s okay..bye Gandra and see you next time Ainul”
Ainul :
“See you…
Oh Bro, you really my best friend”
Oh Bro, you really my best friend”
Gandra : “yah..yah..yah…I know what do you
want. Now let’s back to go to the class”
Minggu, 14 September 2014
Hey, Who are
you ?
friends, my name is Novi Erfiani. You can call me Novi. I was born in Gresik,
November 23rd,1996, so I’m seventeen years old right now. My zodiac
is Sagitarius. My favorite food are meatboal, fried rice, fried noddle, and
many other. Yeah I like eat,but you can look I still thin can’t fat. I’m come
from Kepatihan village, in Menganti Gresik. But now I live at Gebang Wetan
number 41. Because now I’m a collage student in Electronic
Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya.
Now, let me introduce my family.
First, my father. His name is Arifin. Sometime I feel very sad when I miss him,
because he was passed away when I’m 11 years old. He was sick. Many time he
spend his time in the hospital but I’m still alone in home. Yeah, now I just
can pray for him every day. Okay now about my mother. Her name is Sulianah. Now
she is 45 years old. Every day she selling some food like ote-ote, tahu isi,
and so on. She work very hard. It for me and my brother. She like my father
too. She is very strong and never forget to pray. I really love her. She like
my diamond in this world for me. The last, about my brother. His name is Abdul
Kholik Sulianto, but when I call him is Yin. Now, he is 25 years old. Many his
friends are marriage, but he don’t want it right now because he want to help my
mother to make me success. I love him too. I’m proud of him, and I don’t want
make him disappoint so I must study hard so I can make my little family proud
of me.
You know my hobby?.My hobbys are
watching anime movie, drawing, and reading novel. First, watching anime movie.
I spend my break time for watching anime movie with genre romantic no other.
Because you can know if watching something romantic, sometime we can smile alone,yes
like crazy people. In my opinion anime movie can be inspirate me when I want to
drawing. The creativity to make character in anime movie is very amazing. And
it make me want to be animator. Next is drawing. I like drawing anime
character. Sometimes I draw cartoon, but I think better draw anime character
than cartoon. The last is reading novel. Like anime movie, I love reading novel
with genre romantic. But sometimes I think, I must raeding motivator book. It
can support me to be better from my self.
Until now, I think step by step my
dreams begin I get it. But I have big dreams, it is to be success. So I can
have money to go hajj with my family. And every day I must be better than
yesterday, because I want to be good person so many people can happy when with
Okay, it’s all
about me, my family, my hobbies and My dreams. I think is enough. Thanks for
your attention. Bye…
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