Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Conversation l 23rd December 2014

Imel       : have you planned for new years holiday?

Febri      : no, I haven’t, because I must help my mother to sell some vegetable

Imel       : oh… what a pitty, will you go to somewhere, nov?

Novi       : yes, I will go to paris

Febri      : awesome, are you going to Eiffel tower?
Novi       : yeah... I also attend the fashion exhibition there
Imel       : did you show your fashion design?
Novi       : no, I didn’t, but my partner show her fashion design
Febri      : have you booked the ticket?
Novi       : yes, I have, what have you planned, mel?
Imel       : I have planned to hike mount rinjani
Febri      : why don’t you hike mount semeru?
Imel       : no, I have been there
Febri      : so, with whom you will go to mount rinjani?
Imel       : with my community, did you want to join with us?
Febri      : no, thanks, enjoy your trip guys. By the way, how long you spend for hiking?
Imel       : if the weather support with our hiking, maybe just need 4 days to top of mountain
Febri      : wow… amazing
Novi       : there must have many good spot for take a picture?
Imel       : yeah, you know it
Novi       : by the way girls, my partner is confused choose a model for  this dress. In your opinion which the model is appropriate with this dress?
Febri      : I think the model with brown skin and curly hair is the best one
Imel       : yeah, I’m agree with febri
Novi       : okay, thank you girls. Maybe your opinion can help my partner
Imel       : friends, I’m sorry, I must go to my uncle’s house
Febri      : me too, friends. I have to go to buy some buchket for my mother
Novi       : okay girls, no problem. I think, now is enough for our chat
Imel       : see you next time friends and I’m waiting all your story about your holiday, instead you febri
Febri      : okay, don’t worry, bye nov
Novi       : bye girls, see you…

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